The Episcopal Church of the Advocate welcomes (and needs) your support. There are four significant ways you can help us out:
Pray for the mission
The most important contribution anyone can make to the life of the Episcopal Church of the Advocate is to pray. Please pray:
- For the Mission itself, that it may develop faithfully, responding to God’s call for the Church in this region of North Carolina at this time in our history.
- For the People of the Advocate and for those who discern that God is calling them to be a part of the congregation. Pray that they may continue to have the energy and the vision to be able to welcome and reach out to those who do not yet have a church home, and may be a community of compassion and justice, realizing the transformation that God is working in us.
Visit on a Sunday morning or afternoon
We love to have visitors who want to get a sense of who we are because they are looking for a new church home. A visit is the best way to experience the community and the liturgy of the Advocate. We also welcome visits from members of our three sponsoring parishes. It’s like having a Godparent come to dinner — it helps us to feel connected to the extended family.
Tell others about the new church in town
While advertising is important, most people find a church home because someone tells them about a church or, even better, invites them to church. We depend on the conversations of our friends and supporters to help us get the word out about the Episcopal Church of the Advocate.
Make a financial donation
The Church of the Advocate has been blessed by the support and prayers of many in the three sponsoring parishes, the Diocese of North Carolina, and beyond. Our friends have given us a healthy, warm and joyful start. This includes their financial support. The remainder of our expenses for these years – staff salaries, office equipment, worship materials, insurance, special programs, financial support for those in need, Christian Education materials, utilities – all needs to come from additional donations and pledges.
Gifts may be designated to:
- The General Fund: This fund will support the month-by-month expenses of the Mission – from postage to worship space rental to salary for the Vicar.
- The Fold and The Field project in honor of our launching Vicar, Lisa Fischbeck. The Fold is a covered space tucked away west of the pond, for quiet conversations or public community oven days. The Field is a euphemism for a much-needed 25-car overflow parking area at Billabong and Merin Roads.
Donations also can be mailed to:
Episcopal Church of the Advocate
8410 Merin Road
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516