The Inter-Faith Council for Social Services (IFC) has provided services to address poverty in Chapel Hill and Carrboro for 60 years. Its mission is to confront the causes of and respond to the effects of poverty in the community. It provides direct services including shelter for men, women, and families, daily meals for the community, a community food market, emergency financial assistance, and supportive housing for those transitioning out of homelessness.

The Advocate is committed to supporting the IFC’s mission. We have collected food for the IFC community market at every Sunday service since our first Sunday together over 20 years ago. When we were unable to meet during the Covid closure, our members brought food to the chapel bell tower throughout the week, sometimes providing more food than one person could load in their trunk to take to the IFC! Click here for IFC’s current list of needs.

We have also participated in the annual CROP Walk, a fundraiser for both the IFC and for Church World Service. In the past we have cooked meals for  and had a yearly Christmas party at the men’s shelter. Covid closed that down, but we continue to explore ways to establish connection with those served by the IFC. And individual People of the Advocate find ways to offer their time to support these services.

For more information visit or contact the Advocate’s IFC Liaison, Sallie Moore.